Frequently Asked Questions (or FAQ, if you're into acronyms)

What IS the Beanstalk Project?
It's more of a mission than a specific thing, really. It's a social entrepreneurship initiative, engaging young people to create social change and become global leaders.
Why bother?
We believe young people WANT to do good things in the world. Often, they don't do them because they lack the inspiration, resources, and/or support to act on their ideas. The Beanstalk Project is working to provide those things.
Is it a leadership conference?
Sort of, but you probably wouldn't recognize it as that. It's an UN-conference. Most leadership conferences focus on inspiration, and some even get to skill-building, but seldom does any ACTION result. The Beanstalk Project is all about action.
So how is it different from other conferences?
Great question. And we've got 3 great answers.
Projects: We want every student participant to create a project idea that they feel is meaningful, appropriate, and achievable – a project they feel they CAN actually do. We want students to follow through and take action, either on their specific projects or by implementing their learning in their communities.
Mentors: We believe the best way to create change‐makers is to give people a positive experience of change‐making. If we can guide youth through a positive, self‐motivated experience of doing good, they’ll want to keep going. Making change is hard, and having people to support you is key. The Beanstalk Project makes sure that happens by making mentors an important part of the experience.
Creativity & Play: It's hard to describe the atmosphere of a launch if you haven't experienced it. There's play-doh on the tables, and games, toys, and balls are scattered around. Why? Because it works. People learn best and accomplish the most when the environment offers the right balance of responsibility and freedom. Mentors and facilitators are all trained to help find that balance. The results will blow you away!
Who's Joel Hilchey? How's he involved?
Joel Hilchey is the founder and Executive Director of The Beanstalk Project. Passionate about creating an engaged generation of global citizens, he speaks at schools across North America, juggling, storytelling, and playing with mousetraps. Check him out online at
What about Engineers Without Borders? What's their involvement?
Engineers Without Borders Canada conducted a nationwide Social Change Entrepreneurship competition, and Joel entered. A long-time EWB member and volunteer, Joel had a dream to create a national youth engagement program to inspire global citizenship and empower people to take action. The Beanstalk Project is the result of that competition, and the project is supported by Engineers Without Borders Canada.
Is this just for high school students?
No. If you're enthusiastic about social change, we want to involve you! Our mission is to grow great little ideas into great big adventures, and that's not based on age. Initially, we want to focus on youth because we think there's so much untapped potential. Still, we need mentors, volunteers, and help in all sorts of ways with launch projects and on the national level. Check out the "Get Involved" page for more info!
I'm a Teacher - How can I help?
Three things - all easy:
1. Commit to sending students from your school to a Launch - contact a Launch co-chair to register.
2. Use your connections to get more schools and more students involved! Contact other globally-minded teachers who you think would be excited about The Beanstalk Project!
3. Send Joel a note with any feedback or ideas on how to improve this project! We're all in this together.
Is this a competition?
No. At least not yet, though it's being considered. As the project gets going, we may try to provide incentives and extra support for great ideas! Stay tuned.
What resources DO you provide?
That depends. We intend to produce a number of quick-help guides to help people turn great ideas into actions! What would be useful to you? Email us and let us know.
Is there a fee to participate?
Yes, but try thinking of it as an investment instead of as a fee. You'll be getting huge value, and there will even be a chance to earn back the registration fee. There's a bursary program to ensure that cost is not a limiting factor for students.
This website seems fairly basic.
That's not a question, but it is a good observation. This site is the first draft, and we're working hard with our volunteers to create an amazing website that will include interactive challenges, resource links, and all the information you need! Have ideas or want to help? Email:
This sounds amazing! Can I get involved?
YES! Check out the "Get Involved" page to learn about some options. We definitely want your help!